If you are reading my posts (and WHY wouldn’t you be), then you know I have been recovering from a broken wrist. Even though the cast is off, I still have a way to go before being “back to normal”.
Given the extraordinary events related to the Covid-19 virus I would say that we ALL seem to be recovering from stuff right now, right? Some are getting over the virus or the flu or cancer or injuries. Some are getting over the whole “social distancing” thing or the economic impact.
Dang y’all … pretty much everyone is wondering what our “new normal” will look like and what other adjustments we will have to make. Here’s a photo of what TRAVEL had looked like recently!

Please, take a deep breath…try to be calm…let’s all do some self-care and think positive. Feel free to drop me a note to tell about YOUR best self-care method. Is it reading, cooking, mindfulness, prayer, or small acts of kindness for your neighbors? Or what?
While you’re at it, why not let me know WHERE in the 13 southern states you are itching to go! Have you been watching travel videos and planning your next adventure? I sure have! As soon as it is SAFE, I will set out to conquer my bucket list of travel destinations. And I will be sharing photos and stories with you. I hope you are excited…I sure am!
Until next time, be the best YOU possible…and Embrace Southern States.