You want to do a ghost tour or see some Spooktober fright sights, yet don’t want to travel. Fine, stay right here and check out these photos. Use your imagination and feel those chills crawl up your spine. Have you ever been to any of these places in the southern states? Some claim they are scary or even haunted. What do you think?

Look closely at this tree and you are sure to see a face. Is it animal, human, or demon? Why is it there? I cannot answer those questions. All I can tell you is that the first time I saw it in person I did get a chill. If you wish to find it, you will have to go to the Middleburg United Methodist Church cemetery in Middleburg, Florida. For Middleburg trip ideas, see .

Legend says Calvin Phillips was an eccentric architect who left behind a family in New York, moved to Florida, then spent years building for himself an equally eccentric mausoleum. Then he climbed into a custom-made casket… and died in the year 1919. Reports of his ghost have continued for over one hundred years at Oakland cemetery in Tallahassee, Florida. For trip ideas in Tallahassee, see .

Several entities and apparitions with negative energy are said to roam the Cotton Exchange Tavern on River Street in Savannah. Reports of smells, apparitions, and flying objects have persisted for decades. Would you be brave enough to go inside? For Savannah trip ideas, see .

Other well-known local haunts include the Olde Harbour Inn, Mercer Williams house, and Colonial Park cemetery. Here is a shadowy Savannah walkway that I found too creepy, but others seem to think nothing of it. Would you walk in this area?

In Rome, Georgia, you can find the Myrtle Hill cemetery where Broad and Myrtle meet. Dearly departed have been laid to rest there since 1857. Reports say that not all of them are resting well and those restless spirits will occasionally be seen. Photos such as this one after an early morning rain would certainly make one, living or dead, walk the hill quite cautiously. For Rome trip ideas, see .

Florence, Alabama, is where you can find the fascinating Pope’s Tavern Museum. It served as a hospital during the Civil War and over thirty soldiers died there. Rumors of screams, apparitions, and the smell of blood are rampant. During the day it is a lovely and educational place, but I would not care to enter at night. Would you? For trip info on Florence and “The Shoals” area, see .
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Have you visited any of these sights? Did you find them fascinating or frightening? What other places in the southeastern states would you like to know about? Your comments are always encouraged… that’s how you show you care!
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