Another year has flown by faster than expected! That means it is time to review some favorite photos. Let’s do a countdown! See if you would rank them any differently.
These 10 photos represent time spent in Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Missouri. They also let you know that I am partial to nature, murals, food, and abandoned buildings.
# 10

Railroad tracks have always fascinated me. They make my imagination run wild with thoughts of travel and new adventures. What do tracks bring to your mind? How long has it been since you last photographed a railroad track? This photo was taken in January around 4pm about a block away from my current home in Tallahassee, Florida.
# 9

This is a very small yet stunning swamp less than a mile from my home. I had to carefully scan the area for gators! Do you have any swamps or gators near where you live? Here’s a tip; don’t wear nice shoes because there’s a strong chance you will get bogged down in mud. This shot was taken at 5pm on a lovely January day.
# 8

Since I travel around the Gulf Coast a lot, it only makes sense to include a sweet and simple beach photo. This particular beach is along Highway 90 in Gulfport, Mississippi. That happens to be the town where I grew up. The scene was captured on an early morning in April. Are you a beach person? Have you ever been to Gulfport?
# 7

Well, speaking of Gulfport, that’s where this mural is. It was created in 2021 by Tricia McAlvain in memory of the Chandeleur Lighthouse. I love how up at the top it indicates all of the towns along the Mississippi coast. It was shot on the same April morning as the previous photo. How many of those towns have you visited?
# 6

Hamilton, Missouri is THE place for avid fans of quilts. The population is under 2,000 but it is full of colorful murals like this one and is called “Quilt Town, USA.” This photo was taken at 9:33am in April. I actually love all the shadows from nearby trees. Does this bring out your desire to go make a quilt? Do you own any treasured quilts?
# 5

Abandoned structures in all sizes and conditions are interesting. I especially love tiny shacks like this one found not far from Bainbridge, Georgia. The patina of the roof and the missing windows and boards make me wonder what critters may be living inside, or underneath. What does it make you wonder? Photo taken at 11am in March.
# 4

Inside the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri, is this huge and extraordinarily impressive mural entitled “Independence and the Opening of the West”. Artist Thomas Hart Benton painted it in the 1960’s and was an acquaintance of Truman. I took this photo in April at 1:45pm.
# 3

All of my senses tingle every time I see this photo. Again I seem to see those yellow and pink flowers as I smell the pizza and taste the wine. Life was exceptionally good that day at The Brick Oven in Hannibal, Missouri. What do you think of this photo which was taken on an April evening at about 6pm? Don’t you just love pizza?
# 2

Big Spring is located just south of Van Buren, Missouri, and is that state’s largest spring. This geological wonder is marvelous in any season. My attempt to capture this serenity was at 11am on a gorgeous April morning. Wouldn’t you love to be there and experience blissful peace? Big Spring is a true happy place and a total joy to behold.
# 1

God is a master designer, creator, and artist. His simple yet elegant lily pads have inspired countless artists, philosophers, and dreamers. On an early afternoon in March I took this perfect photo on a tiny country road near Tifton, Georgia. Do lily pads seem symbolic or at all significant to you? They make me smile!
You have seen how I ranked my top ten favorite 2023 travel photos. Would you have ranked them any differently? Let folks know which one is you very favorite and why!
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