Delicious desserts abound all across the southeastern United States. Today I invite you to come along with me as we consider a sampling of the most popular and luscious desserts. We will go alphabetically through the 13 states covered by Embrace Southern States. Are your taste buds ready for this totally tempting tour of desserts across the South?
No mud was disturbed and no possums were harmed in the creation of this post. Dang, y’all, let us know by your Comment when you figure out what this means! Here we go!
The general consensus is that Alabama’s most iconic dessert is the Lane cake. The 22 ingredients include bourbon, coconut, raisins, and pecans. This writer has never had the patience to actually make one from scratch, but certainly loves the taste.
Another favorite is the humble pound cake. While it may appear plain, pound cake is easy to make and is moist and flavorful.
I discovered a new favorite in Florence, Alabama at the Odette restaurant It is a strawberry-rhubarb cobbler with almond-oat crumble and topped with caramelized honey ice cream.

Strawberry-Rhubarb Cobbler, deliciously different!
Would you try Possum pie? It does not contain possum, but does have a creamy filling, chocolate, and whipped cream. This icebox pie is perfect for a scorching summer day.
The other top favorites in Arkansas are the super sweet pecan pie and the summer favorite watermelon pops.
Key lime pie is number one in Florida, just ask anyone. But don’t ask them to explain how it is both tart and sweet.
Two of the most delightful contenders for second place are strawberry shortcake and, because Florida is known for oranges, orange crunch cake.
One nickname for Georgia is “The Peach State” so perhaps it is only fitting that the favorite dessert is peach cobbler. The gooey goodness is best served hot with the option of an ice cream topping.
Another favorite is peanut butter pie.
I found a new favorite in Savannah, Georgia at Lizzy’s Burger Bar . It is a boozy caramel milkshake spiked with Savannah’s own Ghost Coast Bourbon. Oh, so good.
The first choice in Kentucky is bourbon balls. These boozy little morsels are coated with semisweet chocolate.
Second place goes to blackberry cobbler and third place goes to fudge. This makes me want to spend more time in Kentucky.
Just saying the word beignet makes me happy. Knowing that these beloved little powdered doughnuts are the favorite in Louisiana… well, I’m ready to meet you at Café du Monde anytime you’re buying!
The other two top desserts, bananas Foster and pralines, are also yummy beyond words.

The top two desserts across the South noted here are bread pudding and Mississippi mud pie. “Mud” in this case is a chocolate filling said to resemble mud by the banks of the Mississippi river.
Two other treats I enjoy are the sweet potato muffins from Coffee House on 5th in Columbus and the crème brulee from The Chimneys in Gulfport .

The “Show Me” state loves cake and ice cream. Gooey butter cake comes in first and is closely followed by coconut cake.
The history of the ice cream “cornucopia” or cone may have several versions, but we know it took on a starring role in the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis. The ice cream cone never goes out of style, especially in Missouri.
Sonker is comparable to cobbler and is so loved in Surry County, North Carolina that they celebrate a sonker festival every October.
Red velvet cake is another favorite that has several odd stories about how and why it got the red color and why it should be one of the desserts across the South.
A most tasty treat I enjoyed at Mash House in Fayetteville, North Carolina is a butterscotch brownie with spiced rum caramel topped with coffee ice cream, yum.

There are too many choices with no clear favorite here. Top contenders include the Huguenot Torte (which is not really a torte) , benne wafers (made with sesame seeds), and sweet potato pie.
The best sweet treats I had on my most recent visit to Charleston were macarons from Le Macaron French Pastries on Meeting Street.

Classic banana pudding is a favorite in “The Volunteer State” that looks especially decadent when the peaks of fluffy meringue are slightly toasted.
Nashville’s Standard Candy Company created the Goo Goo Cluster back in 1912. It was the first combination candy bar which includes caramel, marshmallow, peanuts, and milk chocolate .
Chattanooga Bakery really started something “outta-this-world” when they created Moon Pie back in 1917. This marshmallow marvel still thrills dessert lovers today .
The top two preferred desserts of Virginia are said to be chess pie and funnel cakes.
I must let you know about affogato. Have you ever heard of it? Gerald’s Ice Cream in Virginia Beach has perfected the Italian treat by pouring espresso over ice cream and a very precisely prepared whipped cream. This sensory stimulation is sweet satisfaction.

According to several sources, the top two desserts in West Virginia are molasses cookies and apple spice cake.
Another favorite is the banana split. Rumor has it that you can order one in the town of Fairmont that weighs in at nine pounds. Get several friends to help you with that one!
So, there you have it! We have delved into the 13 southeastern states and uncovered a total of 41 unique and not-to-be-missed desserts across the South! Now I am so hungry!
PLEASE COMMENT ABOUT YOUR FAVORITES AND WHICH ONES YOU WISH TO TRY! Also, share this article with every dessert lover you know. They will thank you for it.
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