What makes one simple man named George genuinely interesting? Why should you care about his past, present, and future? Can you relate to his background or his beliefs? Can his story help clear up any mysteries for you? Does “deeper meaning” matter?
George has lived most of his life in Tallahassee, Florida. As a kid he struggled with asthma and hay fever. He was an only child raised by his grandfather. Later each of his parents had other children, his half-siblings. He sang in a church choir and his high school chorus and recognized at an early age (in the 1960’s) that he was a hippie.

Despite his increasing use of alcohol, cannabis, and psychedelics, George enjoyed learning and earned a Bachelor of Psychology and a Master of Education degree. He and his college friends were considered “liberal, radical, and rebellious.”
George says he is multifaceted and has thrived in many jobs. The partial list includes instructional design, pastor, counselor, EMS, paramedic, and merchant seaman. He has always embraced the idea of helping others. In his young adulthood he often was like a warrior who would see a problem, jump in, and get involved without a clear or calm plan.
His quest for finding himself while finding enlightenment has led to travel adventures in the states of Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and the countries of Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Puerto Rico. He would love to revisit Oregon one day. The one country that currently tops his bucket list is Thailand.
In 1994 George was fired from a hospital job and facing a bleak future. He was contemplating suicide when his half-sister phoned to invite him to a conference on spiritual healing. He was ambivalent yet agreed to go. They attended two nights.
The first night Gloria Copeland https://www.facebook.com/GloriaCopelandKCM spoke about addiction and George began to realize that his years as a “trauma junkie” had not served him well. He saw a vision of “addiction demons like multicolored dragons leaving people…swirling up to the ceiling of that huge auditorium…and vanishing.”

The following night during the altar call George went forward, knelt, and turned his life completely over to God. He then stood up “as a rededicated, healed, transformed, and brand-new man.” Since then, he has endeavored to share with others many of the deeper spiritual truths which give a greater meaning to life in this world.
George Potter is now approaching age 72 and his deepest passions include music, meditation, gardening, and helping people. He plays the djembe, a West African drum. His favorite type of music is “any that is calm, meditative, and brings peace to me.” He loves to meditate by watching clouds and achieving a relaxed altered state. George does volunteer work with recovery ministries, and the local http://bigbendhc.org/ Homeless Coalition. He can sometimes be seen playing his drum at Hippie Church https://www.facebook.com/Hippie-Church-Tallahassee-104217601122716 which is enjoyable and has nice music.

This is a man who has found peace and purpose and has overcome many of his demons. By no means perfect, as is evident from being a bit overweight and in the process of a divorce, he states he is “an enlightened mystic Christian comfortable with Hindu concepts and open to new ideas and adventures.” He feels that not all people understand him, but those who need help are often drawn to him.
According to George Potter, this world is not all there is. People should be open to adventure, in this world and in the next. He is always ready to listen and refer folks to any needed resources. It is his belief that each person’s life is their art canvas, so they should question how to best use it for what they wish to create.
He has a heart for helping others open their eyes and their minds. His goal is to save others from their negativity, prejudices, and sufferings. In his own words, “I do my little part to wake people up and to help them live with deeper meaning.”

–**–** –**–** George can be reached on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/george.potter.54943600
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