Historical Facts about Tennessee

1541 – 1st explored by Spaniard Hernando de Soto

1714 – 1st fort built by a fur trader

1881 – 1st American horse to win English Derby was Iroquois, bred in Nashville

1907 – 1st time Pres. Roosevelt may have said “Good to the last drop”

1912 – 1st invention of combination candy bar Goo Goo Cluster

1916 – 1st self service grocery store Piggly Wiggly

1917 – 1st introduction of the Moon Pie snack

1925 – 1st barn dance that became the Grand Old Opry

1933 – 1st TVA hydroelectric dam

1940 – 1st dedication of Great Smoky Mountain National Park

1948 – 1st trademark of Mountain Dew soft drink

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