Americans typically set aside the fourth Thursday in November to gather around an abundant meal and offer expressions of gratitude. As a person of faith, I am deeply grateful for the freedom to believe in the Higher Power of my choice. To that Heavenly Creator I give thanks for the multitude of things which bring me joy. I also give thanks that atheists, skeptics, and other nonbelievers can choose to thank fate or the Universe. Wouldn’t the world be such a nicer place if we could all live each day in the spirit of Thanksgiving?
Here are my meandering musings about things for which I am most thankful. Please reflect on these and let me know the ones that have meaning to you.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I appreciate the beauty and vibrant colors of animals, art, and nature. I enjoy a sense of wonder in a bookstore and in a coffee shop. I am thankful for eyeglasses, eye doctors, good lighting, and comfortable reading spots.

Are you a logophile… a lover of words? I certainly am. I love well-written stories and meaningful conversations. Having the courage to use words to say what I think seems to be equally important with having the conviction to stand my ground after sharing those words.
Two of my favorite words are lagniappe and serendipity. They both carry the idea of a delightful surprise. Life, on its best days, IS a delightful surprise!
Have you ever taken a break from the hectic pace of life to peacefully ponder the awesomeness of these things: creativity, kindness, laughter, mindfulness, prayer, and wisdom? They are priceless on so many levels.

Travel …ponder this with me for a moment… can take multiple forms. My favorite includes long road trips in my own vehicle. It also includes making time for writing and photography. These are precious gifts that I give to myself and to those who can appreciate my efforts.
SOUNDS: Think about the difference between a babbling brook and the indescribable rushing and roaring of a waterfall. Or that mixture of noises in the background as you watch and cheer for your favorite football team. Or simply being able to adjust the TV volume to your personal level of comfort as you watch a movie. Of course, let’s not forget music!

SIGHTS: My favorites include watching a perfect sunrise, enjoying the beauty of lakes and mountains, and raindrops that seem to sparkle and dance upon green leaves.

TOUCH/FEEL: Compare the softness of cat fur to the roughness of chopped logs. Or the coldness of freezing rain to the warmth of a crackling fire.
TASTE and SMELL: These are all tied up together when it comes to one of my all-time favorite things… food and beverages! Anything baking in an oven, whether it be pizza or cookies or cinnamon rolls, gets me excited. To list every food that I love would take years, so let me highlight the ones that top the list.

Beverages include coffee, sweet tea, homemade smoothies, root beer, and Jack Daniel’s. Foods include bacon, guacamole, and jambalaya. And EVERY dessert, especially beignets, bread pudding, blackberry cobbler, and chocolate.

Recently I read that there are over a dozen levels of personal relationships. I prefer to think of and be thankful for these four levels: online only, casual acquaintances, family, and chosen family.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I admit that I appreciate the online people who come across as positive, helpful, and open-minded. Casual acquaintances are good to socialize with occasionally if they seem to be authentic.
My gratitude runs deep toward relatives who are kind and decent. My mother, husband, and son are more precious to me than silver and gold or a room full of puppies. There are a few cousins with whom I try to stay in touch.
Now chosen family includes those dear and darling friends that I completely love, respect, and trust. Some I’ve known for decades and others just for a few years. These cherished ones accept me, love me, laugh with me, and cry with me. They would not be flustered if I called or dropped by without notice. We can discuss anything under the sun and agree to disagree on a few subjects. I am tremendously thankful for my chosen family.

Rambling on as I tend to do, I have mentioned over seventy (yes, 70) things to be thankful for in life. Now it is your turn to LEAVE A COMMENT here on my website. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, share your thoughts on this article and be sure to share some specific things that you are giving thanks for today!
Dang y’all … being thankful is a CHOICE… a wise and healthy choice! I genuinely care about you and give thanks for you!
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LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS SITE… your kindness WILL fill my heart with JOY !!!
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Dang, y’all... JOY & THANKS! And Happy Thanksgiving from Florida !!!

I am grateful to tend the Gardens we live in next to you Lady. I appreciate your words, your wisdom and presence whenever I get to be in it. I am thankful to have you in my life and happy to be called however you consider me. Thank you for time and all the things you share.
Your kind words brought me to tears … tender tears of JOY ! Thank you. May your life be both kind and joyful.
I love it Angela! You have a gift for words! Happy Thanksgiving!
And all the happiest of Holidays to you as well!!!
I am grateful to have great family, friends and my fur babies. Life is ever changing and I am grateful for awakening everyday with a chance to start the day fresh and new again. Make memories and laugh, love and be thankful for everything we have not just a few things. Life is something all should be grateful for no matter your story.
LOVE ” life is ever changing…” yes, indeed. And the gratitude makes the journey sweeter.
I’m thankful for living in America and the freedom that allows.
SO much to be thankful for…. being alive…in a great place…with precious freedom.
Well, I’m thankful for family and chosen family, I’m super thankful for my love of reading and discussions and meaningful conversations with people who show me different views or teach me new things.
Sweet lady, thanks for your feedback and your friendship.
When it comes to being thankful I find that as the years pass, I become more and more thankful for the children that I have. Unknowingly, they truly keep me going day after day.
Thanks for your response. Happy Holidays.
What a great write-up, Angela! I hope we can meet up for lunch the next time you’re up in north MO! I know that the previous time you were there was hurried as you had many places to check off the list before getting home.
I, too, have much to be thankful for, including good friendships, family members that I can remain in touch with, a place to call home, a community that has become “extended family” to me, travel opportunities, and being able to enjoy many of the blessings that have come my way. Wishing you all the best in 2025!
Many thanks for your considerate words. Folks like you are rays of sunshine in even the cloudiest days!
I am grateful for people like you who can write so eloquently and positively about all the things that delight you on a daily basis. There is so much negativity these days that it is truly a pleasure to read and savor your exuberant writing which put a lingering smile on my face! I, too, treasure all the things you mention–plus a few more of my own. Blessings on you and your family!
Positivity should have been my middle name! I always gravitate toward the beautiful and the joyful. Shouldn’t everyone? Blessings right back at you.