JOY is the theme! Which joyful 2022 photos do YOU like best? Which ones make you feel most joyful, and why? Your Comment would certainly be most welcomed and appreciated!
It is true…every picture does tell a story. As I looked back over hundreds of photos and tried to decide on just 12, these kept jumping out at me…jumping for joy! After you study each, then consider the (greatly condensed) story behind it…what are your gut reactions?
Does the photo alone cause you to feel joy, or does that come along after you know more of the details? What do you think of this style of simple photography with little or no extra processing? Have you been to any of these locations? How do you find examples of joy during your travels?
Embracing the Moment

The expression of complete joy on this man’s face is precious! Despite the February chill, he fully embraced the moment during a jazz festival in Bainbridge, Georgia. Watching him dance with so much enthusiasm warmed my heart and lifted my spirit several notches.

Food is a frequent topic of my articles and photos. While at that same jazz festival, I happily embraced the moment to enjoy barbecue and potato salad. Do you have a favorite BBQ story that makes you smile?

During a Florida art festival, I helped kids choose free art projects. This young man eagerly chose sidewalk chalk art. He tuned out the world and diligently created art, bringing joy to everyone. When he thanked me, I cried… and thanked God for talented youngsters.
Embracing Simple Pleasures

The early morning sun can make this simple tree bottle glimmer and gleam. Every time I visit Ocean Springs, Mississippi, I make a special point to go see it. I honestly can’t explain why an old ‘haint tree brings me so much pleasure. Can you?

Life is good! Two best friends (Angela & Nina) await hot coffee and beignets at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans, Louisiana. Have you and your best friend ever shared this simple and delicious pleasure? (Tell me in “Comments” below.)

Somewhere around Mobile, Alabama, I got off the main roads…on purpose. Murals seem to call out to me, waiting to be discovered and appreciated. They always (YES ALWAYS) bring me right back to that sense of childlike wonder! Do you love murals?

Maddie is my beautiful calico cat. I just love how the April morning light bounced around the room and highlighted her so perfectly. I strongly prefer these simple photos without extra processing… easy shots that evoke profound emotions.
Embracing a Destination’s Diversity
Charleston, South Carolina is an award-winning city… a kaleidoscope of colors and cultures. Areas of unexpected energy and excitement mix with others of serenity and charm. I marvel at how one place can be so beautiful…and so very eclectic!

Bright costumes like this one represent Caribbean heritage as the parade kicks off Charleston Carifest each June. The parade is followed by music, dancing, food, and fun. Don’t you think her joyful smile is just as lovely as her costume?

I was (very unexpectedly) invited to attend and photograph an LGBT Pride pool party. Rainbow cups, flags, swimsuits, and headbands were everywhere. Folks were friendly and conversant, but a few did avoid the camera. An eye-opening event on multiple levels!

Walking in the historic district brings to view stately homes with lush landscapes behind walls of wrought iron or stone. Charleston is called “the Holy City” because of the numerous church steeples usually present in the background.
Embracing Honeymoon Memories

On our October honeymoon, Tony and I loved exploring the historic Windsor Hotel in Americus, Georgia. This view from the 3rd floor veranda looks across to the circular tower where we occupied the Carter Presidential Suite! Dang, y’all, talk about SWEET !!

Art is joy, joy is art!!! Every art lover needs to visit Georgia’s “Pasaquan”, to be surrounded by acres of vibrant art. Every building, wall, stairway, and post is a one-of-a-kind delight. One man’s obsession has become a treasure for the world, in my artistic opinion!!
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Dang, y’all… there you have it. These 12 photos bring out the best memories of my 2022 travels. While they may not win awards for expert skills or techniques, they do give you a clear view of what I value in a photo.
How do you relate to this? What are you first reactions? YOUR KINDEST AND MOST SINCERE COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS ENCOURAGED !!! Ask me a question or leave a comment, I really do long to hear from you. Please remember that you can also join the conversation in the Facebook Group … THANK YOU and may we all take joyful photos in this joyful new year !!!
Wow, looks like a wonderful and joyful 2022! Charleston is one of my all-time favorite cities. Your photos reminded me of how beautiful the historical buildings are, as well as the warm Southern hospitality.
Well said. You’ve caught on to what I’m all about: wonder, joy, history, & Southern places!! Awesome.
Absolutely wonderful. Really enjoyed them!
The enjoyment of my readers is what I so love! Thank you.
You have certainly captured Joy, especially in the colours that you’ve captured. Hopefully, 2023 will be as joyful.
JOY is a driving force for my travels…and, yes, COLOR is so very important!
Lovely photos – great to have memories to look back on! Maddie looks gorgeous- love cats, but my dog won’t let us have one!
You have touched on TWO very important joys in life… PHOTOS and PETS ! Thanks!
What a great theme for going back through photos! I love that Maddie made it in – kitties bring me the most joy!
Going back to review a year’s worth of photos is fun, time consuming… but totally worth it!
What a joy it must have been to look through all your photos at the end of the year! This is a great year-in-review, thanks for sharing 🙂
JOY is always a good thing! Joy in the journey, the destination, the photos, the memories! JOY!
It looks like you had a great year. Photos definitely bring back memories.
Memories…”like the corners of my mind”… hey, that’s another memory!!
I’m a very food-motivated individual, so that BBQ was definitely calling my name, haha. I love the dolphin mural too (+ I adore cats! <3!)!
BBQ, dolphins, and cats….. OH MY !!! (Couldn’t resist!) So glad you enjoyed the photos, Farrah.