A group of amazing ladies in Columbus, Mississippi taught me important lessons on HOW TO appreciate their town.

As a travel writer focused on the southeastern United States, my first tier of attention is art, architecture, and food. The second tier is nature and anything that captures my imagination or brings me unexpected joy.
For my time in Columbus, Mississippi the joy would be based on design details of Victorian buildings, ingredient details of local culinary delights, and a smattering of prescheduled interviews… maybe!

Meeting Friendly Folks
After enjoying the smell of early morning mist on the Tombigbee River, my morning goal was to photograph outdoor shots of homes, churches, and murals . Lunch at the Farmstead Restaurant followed and included sausage, peppers, onions, and fried okra. Three friendly servers saw my Canon camera and began telling me of great nearby photo ops. They suggested a train displayed at the neighborhood park, a nearby thrift store, and the Angel of Grief at Friendship Cemetery.
Then they asked whether I had met Mother Goose. Admitting that this was unfamiliar brought a flood of enthralling stories about this local celebrity.
The next day I talked with Jan from the arts council and Emily from a local bookstore. Next was Hope from a local museum, and Barbara from a preservation organization. Their helpfulness was so sweet and unfeigned that it was almost magical. They spoke in deeply respectful, almost reverential, tones about the literary significance of two people. One was Tennessee Williams, who was born here. The other was Eudora Welty, who attended college here at the “W”. Then they asked if I had met Mother Goose. Okay, now this was seriously piquing my curiosity.
Listening…Really Listening!
Taking time to listen to the fabulous stories of many Columbus residents became just as important as exploring the town. Their relaxed and friendly manner became just as captivating as their lovely Mississippi accents. Drifting off that night in my hotel, I was sure that these fascinating people in this beautiful town were casting a blithesome spell on me. What serendipitous pleasures would tomorrow bring?
What that next and final day in town did bring was a tour of the Tennessee Williams House and Welcome Center given by Nancy and Lillajo. How was it possible that each person encountered on this trip seemed more knowledgeable and more gracious than the ones before? Their excitement and pride in sharing about the writer and his first home convinced me to absolutely reread his works, and the sooner the better.

Nancy shared a wealth of facts about local attractions, sporting events, and the local military base. She works in tourism and had created a tagline, “Columbus, the city that has it all.” Listening to her soothing southern accent as she spoke those seven words, my inclination was to totally agree. This town of Columbus, Mississippi does make a delightful destination where anyone could find relaxation. It was like a drink of restorative and magical medicine for my body, mind, and spirit.
Of course, as we parted ways, she asked if I had met Mother Goose.
It Is Time!
Heading for my final appointment of the trip, to learn more about Barbara and the grassroots organization she directs, I stopped to take a photo at the corner of Main and 7th streets. There a utility box had been painted to honor and celebrate Edwina Williams who is known as a local treasure and the personification of Mother Goose. If we were not to meet, at least that photo would be a sweet reminder of how the community obviously adores her.

The meeting with Barbara went well. She gave me several reasons to want to return to this incredibly charming town. After a supremely satisfying interview, she said she had one final surprise for me. She phoned her office manager and simply said, “It is time.”

The door opened and in stepped Mother Goose! She called my name and hugged me as though we were dear friends. For the next hour she laughed, sang, and told her story. It was about literacy, heart, and happiness. More than once, my eyes filled with true tears of joy while taking notes. I knew on that day that I would forever be grateful to the lovely ladies of Columbus for showing me a glimpse of their world. Each one gave me another lesson on how to listen to the personal stories and appreciate the layers of joy and beauty in this great town. They opened my eyes to Mississippi magic and Mother Goose!

Dang, y’all… can you feel that magic now? PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS ON THIS ARTICLE!
Some links to help YOU plan your visit to Columbus, Mississippi:
Main Street Columbus (Barbara Bigelow)https://www.msmainstreet.com/communities/main_street_columbus
Visit Columbus (Nancy Carpenter)http://www.visitcolumbusms.org/
Columbus Arts (Jan Miller)http://columbus-arts.org/
Friendly City Books (Emily Liner)https://www.friendlycitybooks.com/
Tenn-Tom Museum (Hope Oakes)https://www.tenntom.org/ttw-museum/
Farmstead (on Facebook)https://www.facebook.com/Farmstead-Restaurant-165176093594541/
Public Library (Mother Goose)https://www.lowndeslibrary.com/mother-goose
I love your photos – beautiful! I love the south, it really is so charming.
Thanks for reading. My compliments on your site and the nice photos at https://www.boutiqueorbusted.com/ …keep up your travels.
Really enjoyed reading this. I completely agree the best way to learn about a city is through a local’s perspective
Hi and thanks for reading. I love locals and it seems that you do too. I also enjoyed your site https://midlifesafaris.com/ …keep up the good work.
What a charming town! The reason I love traveling is to see the local residents’ pride in their community and history. Very inspiring!
Locals are so important, whether in USA or France…well…everywhere! I really enjoyed your articles on the Meow Cats and the Tunisian doors. Other readers can find you at https://www.packyourbags.org/ …thanks for sharing.
This is a lovely article! I am all about getting to know the locals and immersing myself in the culture of a place.
So glad you like the article and agree that locals ARE the key to a pleasant experience. By the way, at your site https://mylittleworldoftravelling.com/ I was very impressed with the blogging resource info. Thanks.
I didn’t know the magnolia was the state flower of Mississippi — it’s beautiful! I love getting to explore new places/learning from the locals. :]
So glad you learned something new. That is very rewarding to me. Anyone who is REALLY into hiking should check out your https://www.fairyburger.com/ .
Sounds like it was a very happy and productive visit for you personally.
I’ve always loved the Magnolia flower but had no idea it’s the state flower for Mississippi. I enjoyed reading about the Tennessee Williams House tour.
Hey, thanks for stopping in! Glad you learned something new. Would LOVE to collab w/ you on Southern destinations! Encourage my readers to check out your https://nextstopadventures.com/ !
What a memorable experience! The surprise was so thoughtful and fun! Sounds like Columbus, Mississippi is a charming place to visit. And yes, feel free to pick my brain about Virginia any time. 🙂
Alex, best wishes on your upcoming wedding! Bet your trip will be awesome. Your site is top notch https://wanderwithalex.com/ and I enjoy passing along info like this to all travel lovers.
How wonderful that you got to hear so many stories!
This looks like you had a great experience. I agree, the best way to learn about a new place is through the locals!
Hello to a fellow Floridian! On your site https://anushkainwanderland.com/ I learned that you take your dog on some trips and that is excellent. Let’s collab sometime on Southern destinations.
What a charming town and story. Love that Mother Goose brings Mississippi magic and joy to Columbus.
Thanks, Karen, so glad you appreciate how this place and its people are joyful !