To be GRATEFUL means deeply thankful or appreciative of any kindness or benefits. During this season of Thanksgiving I simply want to share with you, my wonderful readers, some heartfelt musings on choosing to be grateful.
I choose to start and end each day with a prayer of gratitude to my Creator who extends mercy and grace to me. I choose to follow that example by extending my own version of compassion and courtesy to others. I also choose to encourage everyone to think positive.

Most people’s GRATEFUL list would likely include family, health, food, and money. Yes, those are great, but here are a few additional things to include. I am grateful that I have a comfortable bed with fluffy pillows and warm covers. I am grateful that I have a pleasant home where I can take a refreshing shower at any time. I have the freedom to play with my pets, drive my car, visit my friends, and enjoy my hobbies.

Today I choose to be grateful that I am not in a hospital or in a prison, then I say a quick prayer those who are. I choose to be grateful that I am not living on the streets or in a domestic abuse situation, again pausing to think of those who are. I choose to see the beauty in my surroundings.

The world can seem so negative. People spew out words of meanness, hatred, or complaint much too casually. I am grateful to those who choose to take the more hopeful and cheerful tone. They speak in sweetness and light which renews my faith in humankind. I celebrate the happy people who keep a song in their heart, a kind word on their lips, and an optimistic attitude.
I also celebrate the fact that you and can agree to disagree on issues. We can have differing opinions yet can be mature enough to accept and appreciate each other. Today I am grateful that I live in Florida, have many special loved ones, and can laugh out loud at whatever seems funny.

It is my deepest hope that you have many reasons to be grateful today. I would love to hear from you. Please take a moment to share some of your gratefulness. Thank you.
I love what you said about gratefulness. I’m sitting in my recliner next to my Christmas tree which needed to be up early this year. I’m drinking hot coffee and petting my cat, Leo. I’m writing my talented friend I’ve known over thirty years. We all have stuff we go through, but focusing on blessings brings joy.
I’m grateful too! Thanks for the reminder to look for the good! Love you bunches!
Angela! ❤ I really enjoyed this article. Everything you stated about gratefulness rings true on so many levels. I am so glad to have met you. You are an inspiring, uplifting soul that I am proud to call my friend! We need to get together soon!
Being grateful is like somebody such as me who always gives so much more then they want in return. Sometimes a given path instilled by the Creator is one of helping when you can and asking for nothing in return. The return is a simple smile, nod, kind words and close lifelong friendships.
To wake up, see friends when able, do things for each other and never ask for anything in return, is one of the few paths this one is grateful for still having.