When you seek the charm and hospitality of a welcoming and beautiful Southern town, then head to Bainbridge, Georgia. There you will find genuine joy as you explore architecture, culture, and history. The friendly local residents will point you in the right direction for food, art, music, shopping, and other entertainment.

On the first Saturday in February I headed to Bainbridge to enjoy the second annual Bainbridge Jazz & Blues Festival. The main stage for such events is most often located at Willis Park. Here you can find cannons, monuments, a fountain, and a gazebo.

While waiting for the show to begin, I admired the details on several buildings and browsed in a couple of shops. I got some delicious coffee at The Bean Cafe. I struck up conversations with folks from nearby towns of Albany, Colquitt, and Tallahassee. We all agreed that the recent downtown revitalization has done wonders for Bainbridge and given a fresh new energy to this lovely little destination.

FOOD !!! For many of us, food is one of the first things we think of when setting out for a day of fun. Tyler Thomas (owner/chef The American) seemed to be everywhere at once, overseeing every detail. He was cooking the ribs, making sure the tents were set up, double checking lights and microphones. He and about a dozen other business owners sponsored the festival and made sure all went well. Inside The American, his wife Heather made sure all customers were happy, whether with a full meal or perhaps a slice of cheesecake.

ART !!! The Firehouse Arts Center is an elegantly restored historic landmark that now hosts numerous art and cultural events. The sketchbook pin-up was a perfect way to introduce visitors to small examples of local art as they mingled and took in the surroundings.

MUSIC !!! Jazz and Blues both originated in the Southern USA in the late 1800’s and most often include horns, keyboard, drums, and an upright bass. Above, the Reese Cloud Quartet featured a super smooth saxophone better than most.

Meanwhile, over at Southern Philosophy, Rachel Hillman shows everyone what an awesome singer/songwriter/guitarist and her friends can do. While there, I grabbed a chance to see the brewing equipment and taste some samples.

DANCING !!! I absolutely love the pure joy on the face of this dancing couple. For a video of another dancing couple, see https://www.instagram.com/embracesouthernstates/ .

DOGS!!! Well, maybe that should be Dawgs…this is Georgia, after all! Lots of dogs of every shape and size were enjoying the cool day with their owners. From chihuahua to mastiff, at the festival every dog had its day.

All the dogs seemed to be on their best behavior. Each one is just so dang cute!

HAPPY FACES… so sweet!
HAPPY FACES !!! The Bainbridge Jazz & Blues Festival certainly gave everyone lots of reasons to smile.

I love talking with new acquaintances and making new friends all over the South. Sometimes the conversation is brief, while at other times I get to interview folks and find out what makes them joyful.

A big thrill was running into my cousin Johnny and his wife Brenda. We had not seen each other in several years, so catching up was very gratifying as we regaled one another with recent family stories.

At Hook and Ladder, a wonderful open air venue, folks clapped in appreciation for the Ben Flournoy Trio. It made me think of how every sponsor and every individual who worked so hard on this festival really should be receiving a clap, a hug, or something.