Best friends, good friends, casual acquaintances, online friends, folks I’ve met and wish to some day call a real friend, the list goes on ! Are YOU a “Friend”?
BEST FRIENDS: I met my childhood best friend when we were about age 12, I think we were in 5th or 6th grade. We were total opposites in most ways. She was tall, thin, had beautiful long strawberry-blonde hair and perfect posture. I was short and chunky with hard to manage wavy black hair and nothing at all about me was anywhere near perfect.
Her mom was overly protective and always seemed to think I was trouble! Well, I did most of the things a “good girl” should not do! But my best friend was above reproach in every way. We spent several years sharing secrets, going bowling or to movies, and wondering out loud what our futures might become.
We are still best friends…over 50 years later! She married, had three sons, and now has several grandchildren. Could be six, could be eight…I gave up on trying to keep track of them. The thing is, I care about HER just as much today as I did all those years ago. She and her husband Terry still live just two towns over from where we grew up on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Her name is Nina, and she will always be my best, best friend.

We don’t live in the same state, we don’t like the same foods, we don’t see eye to eye on lots of things… yet we are still best friends. We don’t talk on the phone as often as we would like, but could still call one another at any hour, day or night, for encouraging words of support and love. Nina is the very best kind of best friend, and a great reason that I travel back to the area as often as possible.
GOOD FRIENDS: My good friends are those who have earned my respect and my trust. Lots of folks like to think they fall into that category, when they do not. There are only four lovely ladies whom I call my good friends. Those friendships have been tested and proven through disagreements, misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and apologizes. We’ve seen each other through bad relationships, divorce, anger, sadness, and…always… back to love and kindness.
Jan and I were great gal pals in Kingsland, Georgia. We sang in the same church choir, loved to watch “Murphy Brown” on TV, and had some great outings. We made memories together in at least four states! I’m willing to bet that we will travel together again some day.

Debra is cheeky, creative, over-the-top, and colorful. I will always love her dearly because we can be so open, honest, and seem to bring out the best in one another. She even allowed me to write an article about her ( )… please do read it ! We have not yet traveled together, but I’m pretty sure we will.

Belle and Michelle have been my hey-let’s-go-do-something travel and adventure buddies for several years. We have gone to Mardi Gras, parties, local events, and restaurants galore. They often overlook dumb things I say when I’m frustrated. Often they continue to love me , in spite of myself.

ACQUAINTANCES and potential future friends: Folks whom I’ve only met once or only met online are basically casual acquaintances. They have the potential to become friends, but that will develop over time. I meet lots of wonderful and fascinating people during my travels and even locals (in the Florida panhandle) that I interview. Most are excellent human beings and are certainly worth getting to know on a deeper level.
Here’s one quick word of warning; I once found out that two people on social media told each other that they knew me and that we were friends. In actuality, I had never met either one in person and did not consider them to be my friends. Well, I guess if you have any doubts about my level of “friendship” with you, it would be best to ask me… in person!
Do you agree? Are you a “friend”? Please Comment and let me know, thanks.