What makes Charleston, South Carolina extraordinary? Is it the beauty, food, art, people… or the inexplicable uniqueness? Let’s consider these 17 photos as we further explore the JOY of Charleston.
Dang, y’all… by now you know how deeply I LOVE all things Southern. This photo of Old South Carriage Company salutes a family-owned business that is an example of all the charm, excellence, and joy in Charleston.

Aesthetically speaking, beauty is a matter of taste or opinion. Which of these pieces of architecture speak to YOUR sense of style? The Primrose house was built in 1817 in the Regency style. I adore the cheery yellow color and the curved piazza. I don’t know the name of the pink building but find the entablature captivating. The U.S. Custom House was under construction during the Civil War and finally completed in 1879. Fluted Corinthian columns add a special dignity, don’t you think?

While Charleston is known for shrimp and grits, crab cakes and rice, and even pimiento cheese, I want to highlight other delights that I found fascinating. A true “First” for me was the delicious Banana Puddin’ popsicle by King of Pops, a proudly Southern company! Thanks to Ronnie who works for Bike Taxi for introducing me to this awesome treat. Wine and cheese in the early evening is hard to beat, olives are optional. Notice the joggling board in the background, that’s another true Southern classic! A colorful display of French macarons is irresistible. Don’t you love that sweet meringue-based confection?

So, this photo of paintings for sale at the City Market is what most folks typically think of when you mention art. But I sometimes think of sculpture like this sweet butterfly. And were you aware that I am a Social Butterfly? Love the mural at Uptown Social!

The joyful lady in the Carifest parade left a lasting impression even though I never heard her name. Wylie Cauthen is the sweetest, coolest, funniest guy ever, and a great Concierge at the Fulton Lane Inn. This inspiring threesome represents friendliness, independence, and strength. Self-published author Paul Attaway, bookstore owner Polly Buxton, and (me) the freelance writer Angela L. Dowdy.

While in Charleston I took over 500 photos! These last four are like Charleston; hard to categorize or put into words yet completely unforgettable and joyful. Each one has a beautiful and historical story that I will gladly share IF YOU ask me!
The ADVENTURE awaits at Charles Towne Landing! Climb aboard for a 17th-century history lesson. Or learn how Catfish Row inspired George Gershwin in the 1930’s.

Celebrating much more modern themes, I was a photographer at a Pride pool party at the Ryder hotel. I also stopped to appreciate a new sculpture of a joyful African-American girl named Lilly.

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Here are great links for your consideration and I would appreciate your Comments!!! https://www.charlestoncvb.com/ #explorecharleston https://oldsouthcarriage.com/ https://www.facebook.com/kingofpops https://biketaxi.net/ https://www.facebook.com/uptownsocialchs/ https://www.fultonlaneinn.com/ https://www.buxtonbooks.com/ https://southcarolinaparks.com/charles-towne-landing