Marvelous Message Mastery with Gail Dixon
There is a dynamic difference between simply having the gift of gab, having a powerful way with words, and using your unique heart’s voice words. For as long as she can remember, Gail Dixon has been fascinated with how words hold tremendous potential, promise, and power. Interviewing her proved to be every bit as delightful as I had anticipated. These excerpts will excite you and leave you wanting to know more about heart’s voice words and this remarkable lady.

What interesting tidbits can you share about your background?
I earned two Bachelor’s degrees at Illinois Wesleyan University, one in French and the other in Speech. Three years later I obtained my Master’s degree in Communication and Human Relations at Purdue University. My typical jobs involved being quietly behind the scenes, writing and putting together purposeful messages for other people to use. Eventually, I became a panelist, presenter, and speaker.
Could you comment on your current city and one place that tops your travel bucket list?
Tallahassee, Florida, is a lovely place with captivating history and a growing art scene. It is a good spot for education. What makes it an excellent place to live would be the friendly people, nice flowing traffic, and the mild winters.
The legendary Greek island of Santorini is the one place on earth that I would most love to visit.
What is the most FUN thing that you have ever done?
The best family vacation ever was when I was age sixteen. The entire road trip was fun, and the highlight was the World’s Fair “Expo 67” in Montreal, Canada. The combination of French culture, history, and beauty made that a most wonderful experience.
Do you become impassioned about food, music, or art?
I am not so much into music, but definitely love food and art. My preferences in art tend toward the paintings of Rembrandt and a few of the Renaissance artists.

What has led you to the work you currently do?
My interest has always been in using the right words to send the right messages. I kept adding new skills along the way, Writing and speaking expanded to include entrepreneurship, branding, and coaching. Almost eight years ago I founded Masterful Messaging to help others better communicate about their own products or services.
About three years ago I had significant physical and medical issues. There was a phase in which I could hardly breathe or speak. That is when the inspiration for the Heart’s Voice Movement came to me. I became enthusiastic about speaking with the words of my heart’s voice and guiding other people to find and understand their heart’s voice.
Could you explain what that means?
The heart’s voice is the God-whisper that is our very essence. I help budding influencers voice their soul truth for maximum impact. I like to tell everyone, “Speaking from the heart is an act of courage and listening with the heart is an act of love.”
I listen and observe intently to help people identify and amplify their unique truth. That pivotal aha moment is when they know I understand their identity and can help give voice to their vision. We work together for good, using positive language to create and connect. This is how we inform, inspire, and heal the world.

What makes you a joyful person?
Most everything makes me joyful. Seriously, I just find so much joy in life and in all the wonders of the created world.
What message do you wish to give to the world?
Your voice matters. Seek unity, identity, and the heart love that connects us. Then you will be able to find your heart’s voice words and live into your truth and your purpose.
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Dang, y’all, I find the powerful messages of Gail Dixon to be so inspirational and motivational. Her words are authentic, intentional, and clear. She has authored or coauthored eight books, over 300 presentations, and won numerous awards and honors.
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