When is personal info shared in a travel article “too much” ? Do you love to read exciting travel articles about your bucket list destinations? What about places you have never heard of, yet the article fuels your desire to visit there? How do you feel about writers who share lots of personal information such as age, race, disabilities, or financial matters? When does that seem like too much?

Bucket List Destinations are SO Exciting!


A good travel article should help you discover tons of great reasons to start planning a trip to a new-to-you location. Of course, you want to know about the food, lodging, and attractions. But do you want to know the profile of the average visitor? Do you need or want to know whether the destination is easily accessible for those who use a cane or a wheelchair? Do you hope to learn the full range of room prices, from budget to luxury?

Yes, you want info on the best lodging.

Consider this scenario; an over-60 female travel writer courageously keeps exploring despite battling osteoarthritis, macular degeneration, and anxiety. (For those who don’t know, that means she has bad knees, failing vision, and occasional panic attacks.) Can a good travel writer be authentic without oversharing? Should this type of travel writer share tips for others who may have the same issues?

Cobblestone streets are scenic yet hazardous!

Tips from her may include which cobblestone streets to avoid or which restaurants are too dimly lit to even read the menu. Also, travelers may find it helpful to know how long it takes to drive from the most touristy area to the area with the largest number of hotels. I am convinced that sharing in a helpful way is fine, as opposed to simply sharing a sob story which may have little to nothing to do with helping others. I would love to know your opinions on when it becomes too much personal info in a travel article.

Dimly lit spots make menu reading difficult.


Certainly,   travel tips are meant to be quite helpful for others. Let me state a personal pet peeve here. I dislike writers who share too much info about their religion or politics. There, I said it! The two problems are that (1.) those topics are not travel tips, and (2.) people are too easily offended. Even wishing others a Merry Christmas or Happy Easter has gotten rude comments sent my way. Now I find it best to avoid statements which may be argumentative or controversial. As the lovable Lorax might suggest, proper respect for the environment and all living creatures IS helpfulness without oversharing.

Respect & helpfulness: “Fine-Somethings-That-All-People-Need” !

How do you decide whether there is too much personal info in a travel article? Have there been times when you found that so irritating that you did not finish the article? On the other hand, have there been times when the disclosed information proved to be helpful?


The questions I have posed do NEED to be answered. Dang, y’all, my hope is that YOU will leave your carefully considered COMMENTS that kindly share your real thoughts about how or why a writer should disclose personal information. That’s it. Now it is your turn to figure out the perfect amount of info you would like to share!

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PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS SITE…’cause you’re kind & you care! And, for goodness sake, SHARE – SHARE – SHARE so your friends can love it, too. Dang, y’all...JOY & THANKS!

Artists Helping Artists: Pop-Up Plans

Ann Kozeliski started AHA two years ago.

ART is thriving in the Tallahassee, Florida area. A bit of credit can go to Ann Kozeliski who is the founder/creator/idea person of a fabulous organization called Artists Helping Artists, or AHA. She informs readers, “It began as its name implies. An artist needed help and artists came together to meet the need. That was two years ago and AHA continues to provide opportunities for artists to promote and sell their work. AHA is looking forward to growing, providing programming collaborating with local organizations, and knowing the world is a much better place with Art in it.”

Diane Dyal knows AHA helps our community.

AHA member Diane Beauvais Dyal is happy to be a part of the group. She shares, “I have met so many new friends that have similar art related interests. The tasks I do for the organization   give me a sense of purpose keeping me busy doing something productive and worthwhile. I believe it helps me create things I might not create ordinarily. AHA is good for the community because it gets the artists out there helping do things that benefit the community directly or indirectly. Right now, I am doing Christmas ornaments for Havana Main Street and it benefits me as an artist as well as Havana. A win-win!”

Pop-Up in Havana, FL on Nov 14 & Dec 12.

AHA member Joy Green is super excited to tell everyone about two big upcoming events for AHA. She explains, “Artists Helping Artists is a fairly new group of Tallahassee area artists. Its goal is just as it sounds: positive events, opportunities and possibilities for artists and the arts in this area. The Pop-Up Gallery is one such event. It will be in Havana at the Paint Dog Gallery on Saturday, November 14, 10-5. We have a total of 13 vendors and 11 exhibitors for this show. Paintings, mixed media, graphics, cards, prints, jewelry, turned wood, wood utensils, Christmas ornaments and signs, handbags and totes, straw basket art, pottery, and glass, Come and shop for the holidays! Paint Dog Gallery, 307 N. Main Street, Havana, Florida. We plan a second event, an encore, December 12, same location and times.”

Spread the love of joyful art.

AHA member Angela Dowdy (author of this article) adds this thought, “Artists Helping Artists is something every local artist can appreciate. There is such a positive energy when creative minds meet and share ideas. Whether young or old, whether novice or pro, we want to spread the love of vibrant and joyful art throughout our community and beyond.”

Vibrant ART for yourself or a loved one.

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Dang y’all, I sure hope that everyone within driving distance of Tallahassee and Havana will plan to come help us CELEBRATE ART . Come join us as we show appreciation and support for AHA at the Pop-Up Gallery on November 14th and December 12th. What a perfect time to find that special gift for yourself or a loved one. What a perfect way to experience the beauty and joy of art.

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