In 2021 I traveled through seven southern states and took hundreds of photos. I chose two from each state to share with you. Now I’m asking you to consider each one carefully, then vote for your favorite by leaving a Comment.
Narrowing them down to only 14 was quite difficult, yet a very enjoyable trip down memory lane. Every state has tons of beauty and vibrant colors. Were you able to get out and embrace any great spots in the past year?
If you ever want suggestions about any of these areas, I will be delighted to share my thoughts. Travelers should encourage one another to explore all the precious places that surround us.
Here are my photos, alphabetically by state.
Fields of lavender were ready for harvest in the aptly named town of Harvest, Alabama. Lavender is said to represent silence and calmness, while the pretty purple color is often associated with royalty. I walked though this lovely area in silence and calmness, feeling like royalty as I took in all the allure of these exquisite flowers.

Early one morning I happened upon an eerie and mysterious site full of ruins in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Pieces of columns and wall took me by surprise, and I was completely fascinated. This had once been a grand building and had burned down in 1923.

Folks who love hunting for antiques need to visit the small town of Havana, Florida. This is one of several nice murals in a setting of multiple antique shops and quaint cafes. Havana was once known for growing shade tobacco. A few old tobacco barns still exist and there is even a small museum dedicated to the subject.

Bradley’s Country Store in Tallahassee, Florida began in 1927. They make delicious sausage and host an annual fun day that includes music, art, and lots of activities. That is where I took this shot of horse drawn carriages by a scenic lakeside.

Caught this fabulous shot at my favorite time of day (early morning) in Rome, Georgia. I love misty mountains, rain, and cemeteries…was thrilled to see them all in this photo. If you love old cemeteries, you must visit Myrtle Hill which has six terraces and over 30 tree varieties and is a gorgeous (and possibly haunted) destination.

The elegant fountain in Forsyth Park is a most picturesque place in Savannah, Georgia. It was built in 1858 and is surrounded by oaks, magnolias, and just about more park benches than you could count. Can you guess why the water is temporarily turned green every March?

In Columbus, Mississippi I was honored to interview a most unique and totally unforgettable character. Her name is Edwina Williams, but everyone knows her as “Mother Goose”. For over 30 years she has captured the hearts and imaginations of folks through her songs, stories, and her advocacy for literacy. People like her make life so special. For more info:

In Tupelo, Mississippi I sloshed through snow to share a private moment with Elvis…okay, fine, with this STATUE of Elvis! Even though the snow had closed down nearly everything, I enjoyed taking photos of many Elvis-related items and his birthplace.

Fayetteville, North Carolina is fortunate to have Cape Fear Botanical Garden. If you love flowers, you could spend many happy hours wandering their 80 acres. It includes a river bluff, an old farmhouse, and a lake. There are so many photo ops! The daylily section is a true spectacle of color from every angle. For more info .

Just off Interstate 95 in Hope Mills, North Carolina you can find Dirtbag Ales. A group of friends began brewing beer, then added food. They kept growing this one-of-a-kind spot that now includes playground, dog park, music, and farmer’s market. The place and the beer are simply beyond awesome.

Florence, South Carolina became one of my favorite places in 2021. There you can find the Pee Dee State Farmers Market and get up close and personal with fresh produce, plants, honey, and homemade items. These plums were irresistibly juicy and satisfying. I ate several of them while driving back to my home state.

In the historic district of downtown Florence sits Top Hat Special-Teas, a pretty pink place where Laurie is the tea queen! It is tearoom, museum, and educational space combined to thrill and tickle the taste buds. View these brewing accessories and enjoy tea, quiche, and scones. .

Apple Valley Orchard in Cleveland, Tennessee is where I interviewed the owner of this family apple business and got this practically perfect picture of little green apples still growing on the trees. Happy little apples on happy little trees, I’m sure. .

These cute colors prove that there is art in architecture! Fayetteville, Tennessee is full of fantastic buildings with tons of history. Many of them are also full of antiques and colorful characters. .

Thanks for checking out these photos. They were just a small sample of what I discovered on my 2021 travels as I sought to Embrace Southern States!!! Now, it is time for you to leave a nice Comment to VOTE for your favorite. Please share your thoughts and we can all decide the winners… together.
Remember to SHARE this article with your friends and let them know how to find Embrace Southern States. Instagram go to or if you prefer Facebook .
Of course I love the lavender photo!
One vote for the lavender photo! Thank you!
Alabama Lavender ❤️
Second vote for the lavender photo! Very nice. Let’s keep it going.
These cute colors prove that there is art in architecture! Fayetteville, Tennessee.
Yes they sure do prove that. It does lead you to look at tourism in that part of the state.
One vote for buildings in Fayetteville, TN… thanks Ken.
Your beautiful photo of the cemetery in Rome, Georgia gets my vote. Your description of terraces, trees, and mountains make me desire a trip to Georgia in the springtime! Myrtle Hill sounds like the name of a sweet Southern lady sippin’ a mint julep on the porch swing!
Yes, Jan, that is breathtaking. Some like it for the serenity, some for the hauntedness possibilities! So that is one vote for Rome, GA.
I always favor Florida- whatever the topic. I love everything about the Sunshine State. (One vote for Havana, Florida.)
Monica is so right, Florida has so much to love. (This counts as one vote for Havana, Florida.)
Lavender Wynde farm!
Let’s hear it for the lavender lovers!! Thanks for your vote.
The Fountain in Savannah, Georgia !
Yes, that beautiful fountain in Savannah’s Forsyth Park IS awesome. Thanks for your vote.
The beautiful photo of Myrtle Hill in Georgia gets my vote!
Thanks for your vote for Myrtle Hill in Rome, Georgia. It is appreciated.